Wednesday, September 1, 2010

30 Photos in 30 Days - Day 1

I have seen many blogs with a photo a day for 1 year  or even 5 years etc but I do not think I could do this so when I came across Danielle at Hello Owl doing 31 photos in 31 days for August I was too late to join in but decided a month of photos was a good place to start.
September is a month full of birthdays for our family (7 in total) along with fathers day and cameras are always on hand so I thought what a perfect month to attempt to take a photo a day - hence 30 photos in 30 days.

Todays photos makes me feel that our choice for Mia's birthday present is a good one and will be well received in a couple of weeks time - although we did not spend $249 and ours is a little smaller and totally portable. Anyway according to Mia she was being just like mummy and talking on the phone while cooking in the kitchen. She even told me to 'Shoosh, I am on the phone and will be with you in a minute' -all this from someone who is not even 3 yet!
Tune in each day and see what is going on and if I can really take a photo a day without cheating.

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